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CLI Installation

This tutorial guides you through installing @criticalmanufacturing/cli, including prerequisites, installation steps, and validation.

1. Prerequisites

Node.js and NPM

Before you begin, ensure you have the following software installed:

  • Node.js;
  • NPM command line interface.

Node.js Version Compatibility

@criticalmanufacturing/cli works with the latest Node.js version. However, specific scaffolding commands require compatibility with your target CM MES version:

CM MES Version Required Node.js Version Required NPM Version
v8.x or v9.x v12.x (Erbium) v6.x
v10.x v18.x (Hydrogen) v9.x
v11.x or later v20.x (Iron) or later v10.x or later

Installing Node.js and NPM


Use a Node version manager like nvm to install Node.js and NPM.

Avoid the usage of Node installer, since it usually installs npm in a directory with local permissions, which may cause permissions errors when you run npm packages globally.

To perform the checks or install Node.js and NPM dependencies:

  1. Adapt the following PowerShell script;
  2. Run it on a command line with administration privileges.
$mesMajorVersion = 11

#Map MES to node version
$nodeMajorVerion = switch ($mesMajorVersion)
    8  { "12" }
    9  { "12" }
    10 { "18" }
    11 { "20" }

# To check installed versions of Node.js and NPM use:
nvm list

# If not found, install them
nvm install $nodeMajorVerion 

#Determine the installed version
$newNodeVersion = nvm list 
$newNodeVersion = $newNodeVersion | where-object { $_ -Match "\s$nodeMajorVersion\." } | Select-Object -First 1
$newNodeVersion = ($newNodeVersion | Select-String -Pattern "\d+\.\d+\.\d+").Matches.Value

# Set appropriate node version as active
nvm use $newNodeVersion

# Check the active node.js version
node -v

# Check the active NPM version
npm -v

NPM packages

@criticalmanufacturing/cli requires the following NPM packages to be installed globally:

Package Name Version Details
windows-build-tools latest Windows Build Tools (Windows OS only).
gulp 3.9.1 Automation tool used on Node code automation.
yo 4.x CLI tool for running Yeoman generators.
@angular/cli lastest Angular CLI required by CM MES v10 or above.

To perform the checks or install the missing @criticalmanufacturing/cli dependencies:

  1. Adapt the following PowerShell script;
  2. Run it on a command line with administration privileges.
$mesMajorVersion = 10

#Check the current OS
$IsWindows = $IsWindows -Or [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq "Win32NT"

# Check global installed npm packages using:
npm ls -g --depth=0

# To install missing global npm packages use
npm install -g yo@4.x

if ($IsWindows) 
    npm install -g windows-build-tools

if ($mesMajorVersion -le 9)
    npm install -g gulp@3.9.1
    npm install -g @angular/cli

2. Install CLI

  1. Open a command line with administration privileges;
  2. Execute the command:
npm install -g @criticalmanufacturing/cli

3. Validate

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Run the following command to verify the installation:
cmf -v

This command should output the installed version of @criticalmanufacturing/cli if successful.